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Nature and Humanity

Betty Silver

A question of survival

What are the real causes of humanity’s failure to live in harmony with the other components of planet Earth, and why, despite the mounting evidence, have we so far been unable to sufficiently change our ways?

Nature and Humanity – A question of survival tackles these questions, offering a unique perspective that blends an understanding of the world’s cycles of life and matter with an incisive psychological and cultural critique. Taken together, the book presents a commonsense path forward.

Designed for the lay reader, Nature and Humanity introduces complex ideas from a novel and independent viewpoint. The first section provides a detailed back-ground on how things have reached such a point of crisis on planet Earth. The second, a fictional ‘trial’, sees other animals put humanity on the stand and press charges including fraud, theft, cruelty and degradation of the natural world.

A profoundly original work, Nature and Humanity – A question of survival, will challenge assumptions you didn’t know you had, as it offers a lucid, insightful and crystal clear message: humanity, it is time to act to protect the planet. Our lives are all at stake.



About the Author

Betty Silver was born and raised in rural Western Australia, where she grew up close to nature, and was fascinated by the natural world from a young age. With a curious and enquiring mind and an adventurous spirit, being home-schooled on the farm allowed her to develop as an independent thinker.

Betty obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology major) and a Diploma of Social Work from the University of Western Australia before moving to Brisbane with her husband in the 1970s, where she completed a Masters in Social Work under Professor Edna Chamberlain, an advocate for ‘second-order thinking’ – a way of understanding complex subjects by standing back and observing their functioning from an objective viewpoint.

After retirement in the early 90s, Betty and her husband took over forty holidays in Asia, South America, Africa and the Pacific Islands, seeing first-hand some of the world’s great national parks and wild landscapes. These journeys fuelled her passion for the preservation of the earth and sparked her interest in learning more about the deep functioning of our world from the perspectives of human life on the planet and the natural systems that underpin it.

Nature and Humanity – A question of survival is her first book.



Nature and Humanity by Betty Silver
ISBN: 978-1-922409-30-0
Format: Paperback C 152mm x 229mm
Extent: 160 pages
RRP: $19.95
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Environmental Policy-- Critique
Distribution: -- out of print --