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The Butterfly Field

Dawn Wade


Based on a true story against a backdrop of historical fiction, The Butterfly Field is a powerful and epic story of one woman’s fight to survive and provide a life for herself and her children in the turbulent and dangerous world of Papua New Guinea. A country whose struggle for independence mirrored her own life so closely.

The story covers nearly twenty years - from the mid-sixties to the mid-eighties - and ranges from the savage and beautiful countryside of Papua New Guinea to the law courts of Australia and USA.

From immense wealth and privilege to abject poverty and imprisonment, from brutal physical and mental abuse to passionate love, and above all survival and triumph over every obstacle in her life.

The story of Isadora, an Australian woman of uncommon strength and spirit and her many struggles against the remarkable men in her life including the custody battles for her beloved children, for whom she fought like a tigress – coloured with her love affair with Papua New Guinea and one place in particular, called “The Butterfly Field.”


About the Author

Dawn Florence Wade was born and raised on her fathers' wheat and sheep property in the Riverina of NSW. Living for 14 years in Papua New Guinea, from the late sixties to the early eighties where drawing from her own life experiences and historical events, inspired her to write "The Butterfly Field". Having travelled and lived in a number of countries, she now lives in Sydney NSW, presently writing another novel and a book of poetry.






The Butterfly Field by Dawn Wade
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ISBN: 978-1-922565-43-3
Format: Paperback 229 x 152mm + ebook
Extent: 454 pages - paperback + ebook
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Historical Fiction
Distribution: Contact Vivid