Vivid Publishing - Book Publishers Australia

The Visitors

Coreen Di Prinzio

Illustrated by Kerry Anne Jordinson

This story is about respect of others and their land.
The people from the land of plenty find a holiday destination at a nearby island. The islanders welcome them in with open arms, trying hard to make them feel special. The story takes us on a journey with choices made by both the visitors and the island people and the consequences that follow.

‘The Visitors is a beautifully written and illustrated book for all ages. I love the message about working together and caring for our world.’ – Dr Mandie Shean.


About the Author

Coreen Di Prinzio

Scottish born, raised in Perth, Western Australia; Coreen Di Prinzio is a wife and mum of two grown children. An avid book lover with a passion for inspiring creativity in young minds, Coreen has spent the last 30 years as an early childhood teacher all the while building up a collection of her own stories which she is looking forward to share in years to come.

About the Illustrator

Kerry Anne Jordinson is a Broome based professional artist and children’s book illustrator. She is inspired by her environment and paints and draws across a broad range of media.

Facebook: Kerry Anne Jordinson ART
PH: 0408923099


The Visitors by Coreen Di Prinzio



Book Cover
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ISBN: 978-1-922409-82-9
Format: Paperback B 198mm x 128mm
Extent: 32 pages
RRP: $15
Publisher: Vivid Publishing
Category: Children's Illustrated Fiction